I will get a glow just thinking of you …






The apple didn’t fall far from the tree with this pair. Both mathematically inclined and both lovely to work with. No surprise their father-daughter dance turned out so beautifully.

Some good advice for other father-daughter duos.


Elegant and Classic!


A Father-Daughter Fake Out

What do you get when you combine a doting (and slightly ADD) father, Daddy’s little girl, and a great song? Magic! Wes and Elaine didn’t want to do a standard stand and sway dance, but they did want people to think that’s what they were going to do. And they managed to keep their secret right up until the moment when the music sped up and they broke into a lively swing dance. Their enthusiasm and energy are amazing and the crowd loved it.


Elaine & Wes perform their father-daughter swing dance with the help of Jeremy Shrader’s Octacats!