Trying to think of the perfect gift for that hard to shop for person? Dance lessons make a great gift for almost anyone on almost any occasion.


birthday gift

They’re Unique

Chances are if you give someone a gift certificate for dance lessons, you won’t be duplicating someone else’s gift idea. Can you say that about a sweater? Your spouse, boss, sibling, or friend will appreciate that you took the time to choose something original and fun just for them.


Christmas gift

Skills Last Forever

It’s like riding a bike. Once someone learns how to dance, they’ll be able to use that ability anywhere and anytime. On a cruise? They know how to dance. At a class reunion? They know how to dance. Wedding reception? That’s right. They know how to dance. And dancing has no expiration date, so they can do it well into old age.


Hanuka gift

Experiences Are Better Than Things

Classes and lessons of any kind make good gifts. Not only because they won’t end up collecting dust in the closet, but also because, whether good or bad, new experiences almost always leave lasting memories (and often funny stories) in a way tangible gifts rarely do. And let’s face it, most of us already have all the stuff we need.

Valentine's gift

People Secretly Dream of Learning to Dance

If I had a dime for every time I’ve heard someone say, “I wish I’d done this sooner,” my piggy bank would be full. Gliding across the floor like Fred and Ginger is something many people dream of, but few actually attempt. Give them the gentle push they need to start now and not waste any more time daydreaming. They’ll thank you for it.

More Articles That Might Interest You

 Ballroom Etiquette 

 Three Dances Everyone Should Know How to Do


And if you want to see real people dancing in the wild, then our  Gallery blog is just the inspiration you need.

Three Easy Ways to Find Out More About Lessons

Visit our Lessons page. 

Contact us at (901) 359 – 6467 or

Try a free lesson to see if you like it. We know your will 😉


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